Dear students, colleagues and visitors,
please note that this website does not get updated on a regular basis
any more as my new website will be launched soon. I am currently on
sabbatical in Istanbul, Turkey, but will continue to give advice on any
questions concerning the PGCE or acknowledgement procedures of EU-qualifications in Germany. Since I will not always be able to
respond immediately, please do not hesitate to send your request
PGCE / EU-qualifications in Germany: I am in the process of
compiling an account on the "Eignungsprüfung"; an alternative to the
more common "Anpassungslehrgang" and an interesting route to
the acknowledgement of the Qualified Teacher Status in Germany.
The text will be online on the new website.
I will not not do any examinations or councellings in Frankfurt for the
next couple of semesters, I'm afraid. In the meantime, please
approach my colleagues in the Didaktik department.
NEW: Inszenierungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht.
Grundlagen, Formen, Perspektiven, hg. v. Almut Küppers,
Torben Schmidt und Maik Walter. Reihe Unterrichtsperspek-
tiven, Klinkhardt - Diesterweg 2011
IEAS - Assistant Teacher Program: [Details]
Assistant teacher reports are available in the Did office.
STAATSEXAMEN modularisiert: [Details]